A picture may well be worth a page of prose but a contradictory message in a photograph, or a wrong word in a caption, can scupper your project. In the role of picture editor, I watch for the ways that image and text can complement each other, but also for the traps.

A leaden chunk of jargon where plain English is needed, a grammatical error, or a phrase that unintentionally alienates an intended reader can all damage a client’s reputation for quality, professionalism or competence. I worked for many years in an editorial team catering for many different audiences, and have my own experience as a translator and editor, so I am alert to editorial considerations and can advise on this aspect of a project.


With some projects, I undertake the photography myself (the Photo gallery shows a selection of my photographs, and more from various parts of the world can be seen on my Flickr site). I am also experienced at providing briefs and art direction for photographers, and when photographs need to be commissioned, I can recommend photographers for particular subjects.

Photographs that are important to a project are sometimes damaged or of poor technical quality. I am skilled at electronic retouching, repairing, optimising and tinting, as well as in photomontage techniques. I can often get excellent results from unpromising material.


I am an experienced picture researcher, and also used to briefing and commissioning other professional picture researchers when required.

If your project would benefit from being illustrated with photographs, fine art, or other images that can be found in archives or photo libraries, and your picture research task us not already assigned or taken care of, I may be able to include it as part of my design brief.